Monday, February 24, 2014

Remember The Name

Many of you have probably heard the song Remember the Name by: Fort Minor.  As I was listening to this song the other day I was thinking about the ways this relates to my sport, cycling.  The refrain goes this is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain and 100% reason to remember the name. I broke it down part by part and this is what I got.
10% luck- In any race luck is a big factor, such as the weather, which wheel you take and in some cases the racers that sign up for the particular race.  There’s been races where I grab the wrong wheel during a break away and have to work 2 times harder than I needed too.
20% skill- Skill comes in handy during races, especially criteriums.  Going around a corner at full speed can be scary at times if you don’t have the correct bike handling skills. 
15% concentrated power of will- The pain cave is the only thing I have to say for this one. Focus focus focus.
5% pleasure- The feeling of knowing that all your hard work has paid off.  The feeling you get coming across the line in first place.
50% pain- We all know the feeling you get when you see someone attack in a race, its like you can feel the pain coming on.  Pain is a huge part of this sport, maybe even more than 50%.

100% reason to remember the name- When you look at the registration page and start looing at the competitors you’re racing against, you always remember a few names imperticular, usually those racers are amazing or extremely sketchy.  You want to be the one that pulls up and everybody asks who’s going to get second.